Football is a simple game. A ball vaguely round in shape, made with whatever is handy (originally), 2 sets of goals at either end of a rectangular pitch, and you aren't allowed to use your hands. That is about it. Not like all these other games with pages and pages of rule books and 9 umpires (NFL anyone?). So what is that makes everyone go completely soccer CRAZY?
At the end of last weeks episode, we were in Rothenberg orb de Tauber, heading for Frankfurt. We took our time getting to Frankfurt, staying in a beautiful old town called Miltenberg on the way, where I enjoyed my tastiest meal of the trip so far.

After that, it was on to Frankfurt to watch Germany vs. Ecuador on the big screen, and then Argentina vs. Netherlands the next day live. The germany game was amazing, the place was absolutely buzzing. Thousands of fans out and about every where. Every goal cheered as though the world was ending. As for Frankfurt itself, well, the allies obliterated about 80% of the city at the end of world war II in two big bombing raids, and you can tell. It is virtually all new buildings, and lacks the feel of many other German cities.
So, the next day we woke up, ready to head to Argentina vs. Netherlands. We went down to the local market area near the Hauptbanhoff (main train station) where we had been eating a lot (great food!). I must admit, I wasn't feeling that excited about todays game ... both teams were on 6 points in the group, and didn't have a lot to play for. What is more, there were rumours that they were only going to play second string teams. It was then we noticed all the ticket sellers around. I was curious. I wonder how much these tickets are actually worth? I went up and talked to a couple of guys ... 400, 500 euros for tickets originally priced at 100 euros. I went back to Bruce to get his thoughts ... in the meantime some Canadian guy had offered him 1000 euros each for our tickets ... that is about $1700 AUD, all for a game I wasn't sure I even thought would be any good. The rest is history ... the game was a 0-0 shocker which we watched in O'Reillys pub.
From there, we drove down to Stuttgart. This was it. The big one. Australia vs. Croatia. We only needed a draw, but I had seen stranger things with Australian football before (Iran or Uruguay anyone?), and Croatia were sure to fight hard. They had played very well against Brazil as well. We got out to the ground early in time to take in the Mercedes museum before hand, on the recommendation of AJT's parents who absolutely loved it. Brilliant, well worth seeing. If you ever go to Stuttgart make sure you go see it. Layed out as a historical timeline of Mercedes, winding down from the top of a building down ramps all the way to the bottom, with a great audio guide and some very nice cars.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, after the Mercedes museum which we had shared with thousands of Aussies and Croatians (everyone in their colours), we had a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and headed in to the stadium at about 8pm (kickoff was at 9pm). Immediately on entering the ground, a buzz of adrenalin went through me .. it was a long time before kick off, but already there were massive patches of yellow, and red and white. You could feel the anticipation in the air. As kickoff approached, it became obvious we were near the Croatian end of the stadium, in a small pocket of aussies. The noise was ridiculous. Amazing. The teams came out for their warmups to huge cheers. Slowly the time to kickoff approached. By this time, it was so loud you could barely hear yourself think. The main Croatian war cry was pretty crazy as well, don't know if any of you have heard it, but it sounds fearsome. Found out later it means "Fight, Fight, Fight for your country".

9pm came, and the game started. Oops, shaky start, don't give away possession like that, free kick? What? GOAL. Oh no. Croatians going nuts. Australians sitting stunned. Was this what it was going to be like? All this way, we only need a draw, and we are behind in the 2nd minute? Slowly Australia fought their way back into the game, and when we scored the penalty, the turn around was amazing. Aussies going nuts. I am just about hoarse and it isn't even half time yet. The Croatians silent. The second half starts, a repeat of the first. Croatians score again. No one can belief Kalac let that goal through, most people saying that he will be lucky to ever go back to Australia ...

Amazing pressure by the Australians now, dominating possession, the Aussies surging them on with constant cheering, the Croatians cheering every tackle, wolf-whistling every refeering decision. Then finally, we score again! GOAL! Go Kewell! Ah, this is more than I can take! Can we hold off? We have about 6 strikers playing, and not very many defenders... A red card for Croatia! Yes! The red and white corner goes absolutely silent. We can do this ... another red card, this time for Emerton .. what were you thinking Emers, no need for that?! Finally, we score again! YES! No, what is going on? FULL TIME! WE DRAW! WE ARE THROUGH! WOOHOO! Unbelievable emotion. Aussies jumping around everywhere, the other end of the stand with the yellow swathe going absolutely crazy. On comes AC/DC, then Men at work - Down Under, and we are all singing at the top of our lungs, crazy. No one wants to leave. The croatians somehow vanish without us really noticing. A German girl wearing green and gold asks me "What is going on? Why are you all so excited?" She leaves before I have a chance to explain ... I mean, how can I explain?
After that, I went out into the city, wandered through it. Scenes of celebrations everywhere, lots of Croatians out as well as Australians, all in very good spirits. An aussie accent comes from a girl wearing a Croatian shirt and scarf ... "Well done, you played well, congratulations on going through". Me: "Nice accent, are you really Croatian?" Turns out she was born in Sydney, lived in Australia all her life, Dad is Croatian. That is enough. Oh well, maybe her kids will come around!
Finally made it to bed about 3, after walking home from the train station (our hotel was the middle of nowhere).
Ah, I am exhausted just thinking about it all.

Next day, we got in the car and headed to Munich where we were going to watch Germany vs. Sweden round of 16. All good, fanging along the Autobahn at about 150, gee these roads are good, suddenly the traffic comes to a halt, and isn't moving. Finally crawl off the autobahn about an hour later at a town, try to work out how to detour around it. Apparently there was a 3 car accident, and a couple of people burned to death. Grim reality check, and so much for the amazing roads. Finally we make it around, then get hopelessly lost on the way into Munich ... it is pretty hard when your map only covers "Central Munich". We finally got to the hotel around 6 hours after we had started on a 2 hour trip. Ouch.
Well, that is about it. We are in Munich now, getting ready for the next game (Germany vs. Sweden), which promises to be awesome. However, I don't think anything can ever live up to that game vs. Croatia. Most amazing sporting event I have ever seen.
Now I am thinking it is on to Kaiserlautern to try and get a ticket for the game vs. Italy. I mean, I am over here, why not?
At the end of last weeks episode, we were in Rothenberg orb de Tauber, heading for Frankfurt. We took our time getting to Frankfurt, staying in a beautiful old town called Miltenberg on the way, where I enjoyed my tastiest meal of the trip so far.

After that, it was on to Frankfurt to watch Germany vs. Ecuador on the big screen, and then Argentina vs. Netherlands the next day live. The germany game was amazing, the place was absolutely buzzing. Thousands of fans out and about every where. Every goal cheered as though the world was ending. As for Frankfurt itself, well, the allies obliterated about 80% of the city at the end of world war II in two big bombing raids, and you can tell. It is virtually all new buildings, and lacks the feel of many other German cities.
So, the next day we woke up, ready to head to Argentina vs. Netherlands. We went down to the local market area near the Hauptbanhoff (main train station) where we had been eating a lot (great food!). I must admit, I wasn't feeling that excited about todays game ... both teams were on 6 points in the group, and didn't have a lot to play for. What is more, there were rumours that they were only going to play second string teams. It was then we noticed all the ticket sellers around. I was curious. I wonder how much these tickets are actually worth? I went up and talked to a couple of guys ... 400, 500 euros for tickets originally priced at 100 euros. I went back to Bruce to get his thoughts ... in the meantime some Canadian guy had offered him 1000 euros each for our tickets ... that is about $1700 AUD, all for a game I wasn't sure I even thought would be any good. The rest is history ... the game was a 0-0 shocker which we watched in O'Reillys pub.
From there, we drove down to Stuttgart. This was it. The big one. Australia vs. Croatia. We only needed a draw, but I had seen stranger things with Australian football before (Iran or Uruguay anyone?), and Croatia were sure to fight hard. They had played very well against Brazil as well. We got out to the ground early in time to take in the Mercedes museum before hand, on the recommendation of AJT's parents who absolutely loved it. Brilliant, well worth seeing. If you ever go to Stuttgart make sure you go see it. Layed out as a historical timeline of Mercedes, winding down from the top of a building down ramps all the way to the bottom, with a great audio guide and some very nice cars.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, after the Mercedes museum which we had shared with thousands of Aussies and Croatians (everyone in their colours), we had a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and headed in to the stadium at about 8pm (kickoff was at 9pm). Immediately on entering the ground, a buzz of adrenalin went through me .. it was a long time before kick off, but already there were massive patches of yellow, and red and white. You could feel the anticipation in the air. As kickoff approached, it became obvious we were near the Croatian end of the stadium, in a small pocket of aussies. The noise was ridiculous. Amazing. The teams came out for their warmups to huge cheers. Slowly the time to kickoff approached. By this time, it was so loud you could barely hear yourself think. The main Croatian war cry was pretty crazy as well, don't know if any of you have heard it, but it sounds fearsome. Found out later it means "Fight, Fight, Fight for your country".

9pm came, and the game started. Oops, shaky start, don't give away possession like that, free kick? What? GOAL. Oh no. Croatians going nuts. Australians sitting stunned. Was this what it was going to be like? All this way, we only need a draw, and we are behind in the 2nd minute? Slowly Australia fought their way back into the game, and when we scored the penalty, the turn around was amazing. Aussies going nuts. I am just about hoarse and it isn't even half time yet. The Croatians silent. The second half starts, a repeat of the first. Croatians score again. No one can belief Kalac let that goal through, most people saying that he will be lucky to ever go back to Australia ...

Amazing pressure by the Australians now, dominating possession, the Aussies surging them on with constant cheering, the Croatians cheering every tackle, wolf-whistling every refeering decision. Then finally, we score again! GOAL! Go Kewell! Ah, this is more than I can take! Can we hold off? We have about 6 strikers playing, and not very many defenders... A red card for Croatia! Yes! The red and white corner goes absolutely silent. We can do this ... another red card, this time for Emerton .. what were you thinking Emers, no need for that?! Finally, we score again! YES! No, what is going on? FULL TIME! WE DRAW! WE ARE THROUGH! WOOHOO! Unbelievable emotion. Aussies jumping around everywhere, the other end of the stand with the yellow swathe going absolutely crazy. On comes AC/DC, then Men at work - Down Under, and we are all singing at the top of our lungs, crazy. No one wants to leave. The croatians somehow vanish without us really noticing. A German girl wearing green and gold asks me "What is going on? Why are you all so excited?" She leaves before I have a chance to explain ... I mean, how can I explain?
After that, I went out into the city, wandered through it. Scenes of celebrations everywhere, lots of Croatians out as well as Australians, all in very good spirits. An aussie accent comes from a girl wearing a Croatian shirt and scarf ... "Well done, you played well, congratulations on going through". Me: "Nice accent, are you really Croatian?" Turns out she was born in Sydney, lived in Australia all her life, Dad is Croatian. That is enough. Oh well, maybe her kids will come around!
Finally made it to bed about 3, after walking home from the train station (our hotel was the middle of nowhere).
Ah, I am exhausted just thinking about it all.

Next day, we got in the car and headed to Munich where we were going to watch Germany vs. Sweden round of 16. All good, fanging along the Autobahn at about 150, gee these roads are good, suddenly the traffic comes to a halt, and isn't moving. Finally crawl off the autobahn about an hour later at a town, try to work out how to detour around it. Apparently there was a 3 car accident, and a couple of people burned to death. Grim reality check, and so much for the amazing roads. Finally we make it around, then get hopelessly lost on the way into Munich ... it is pretty hard when your map only covers "Central Munich". We finally got to the hotel around 6 hours after we had started on a 2 hour trip. Ouch.
Well, that is about it. We are in Munich now, getting ready for the next game (Germany vs. Sweden), which promises to be awesome. However, I don't think anything can ever live up to that game vs. Croatia. Most amazing sporting event I have ever seen.
Now I am thinking it is on to Kaiserlautern to try and get a ticket for the game vs. Italy. I mean, I am over here, why not?
Nice work Kang,
sounds like u guys are having a hoot!
couldnt have picked a better game to go watch live!!
see ya soon
Em and Gav, at 5:17 AM
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